“Verily, verily, l say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do, also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
Praise God for His unspeakable gift and for bringing us to another glorious year for 2016 is gone and 2017 is here PTL!!
During our annual Prayer & Fasting program this past December, I waited upon the Lord to hear what He wanted to say regarding the direction He wants to take RCCG Chosen Generation parish in 2017. The Lord spoke to my heart saying that 2017 is going to be our year of “Greater Works.” He lay upon my heart the scripture from John 14:12 where before his crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples that “everyone that believes in him [Jesus] will do his work and will do even greater works than him (Jesus) and is a promise to every believer in Him. And if this is a promise, then doing greater works should be a natural thing to every Christian!
I was amazed to discover in my search of the scriptures, that Jesus’ works were not described as merely ordinary works, but the Bible described them as “Mighty Works!” Take for example in Matthew 11:20 it says “then began He to upbraid the cities wherein most of His mighty works were done, because they relented not.” Additionally, the works of Jesus were also referred to as “mighty” in Matthew 13:54, Mark 6:2 &14, and in Luke 19:37. In John 9:32 the man born blind who was healed, pointed out that the works of Jesus were such as no other man had ever done before! The blind man said, “Since the world began it had not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind.” These scriptures connote that as believers of Jesus Christ, we will do even more mighty works than he did; that we will do what no man has ever done.
Needless to say, this realization caused me to grow excited because as believers each of us, this means that 2017 shall be our year of great works both in soul wining and in being witnesses to signs & wonders!
If you think about it, Jesus’ works were in the areas of healing, teaching, soul wining, casting out of demons, raising the dead, etc. Indeed after His death, Jesus promised that the disciples would do even greater works: Peter won 3,000 souls on one occasion (Act.3:41), even his shadow healed ALL the sick (Act 5:15-15). Philip brought great joy to the entire city of Samaria (Act.8:5-8). Philip experienced supernatural translation from the city of Gaza to Azotus (Act. 8:39-40). The Apostle Paul performed extraordinary miracles; even handkerchiefs and aprons carried from his body were used to heal the sick and those afflicted by evil spirits; ALL were healed according to Acts 19:11-12! Make no mistake; these greater works were made possible because of Jesus’ promise. In addition Jesus also indicated that whatsoever the disciples asked in His name, that would the Father do (John14:13) and also that the Father would send the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17); by granting believers these powerful instruments, Jesus has enabled all believers to do ‘even greater works’ in His name!
Beloved are you ready?? 2017 promises to be an exciting year for Chosen Generation and as we call on the name of Jesus and as the Holy Spirit anoints us, we will “manifest even greater works” in the areas of soul-wining, healing, touching lives for Christ, performing and witnessing signs & wonders!! Are you ready to accomplish these things?? Are you ready to go out to win souls for Christ; are you ready and will you commit to exercising your faith by working in miracles, signs & wonders in order to bring glory to God and to de-populate the Kingdom of Darkness? Brethren if you want God to do greater works through you, then you must be committed to being:
- Available
2. Faithful
3. Teachable.
4. Daring
6. Obedient
7. Holy
Scripture says in Matthew 5:16 to “let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify, your Father which is in heaven.” IF you will only do so, then men and women will be drawn to God through your “greater works!” Are you ready???
Dearly beloved, on behalf of Chosen Generation’s Pastorate, I welcome you to your year of “Greater Works!”
Pastor Tope Dosumu